Ancient Grains of the Great Plains Handbook

Ancient Grains of the Great Plains has been designed to provide an overview of the broad category of crops known as ancient grains. The handbook delivers an introduction to ancient grain categories, characteristics and uses. It builds an understanding and appreciation of the value of ancient grains as highly nutritional and functional food ingredients.

The Northern Crops Institute thanks our chapter authors who have devoted their time and expertise to deliver valuable chapter contributions.  The authors are representatives from private industry, nonprofit organizations, and academia.

What’s Inside

Chapter 1. Ancient Grains Definition and Categories

Chapter 2. Gluten Containing Ancient Grains

Chapter 3. Gluten-Free Ancient Grains

Chapter 4. Pulses as Ancient Grains

Chapter 5. Oilseeds as Ancient Grains

Chapter 6. Ancient Grains in Popular Foods

Chapter 7. Ancient Grains in New Foods Development

Chapter 8. Sprouted and Fermented Ancient Grains

Chapter 9. Future of Ancient Grains Consumption

General Information.

Northern Crops Institute
NDSU Dept. 7400
P.O. Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050 USA
Phone: 701-231-7736
Fax: 701-231-7235

About the Northern Crops Institute.

Northern Crops Institute is an international center for meeting and learning about crops produced in the four-state region of North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota and Montana. Situated on the campus of North Dakota State University, Northern Crops Institute exists as a forum to bring together customers, commodity traders, technical experts, processors and producers from all points of the globe for discussion, education and technical service programs. Since 1983, the Institute has hosted visitors from more than 135 countries.

North Dakota State University is an Equal Opportunity Institution. This publication will be made available in alternative formats upon request (701-231-7736).

Northern Crops Institute