Meet the Interns!
This year there have been some new faces around the NCI office. . . our interns! Let’s learn more about our new staff!
Seth Hansen
Seth is the Videography Intern for the Marketing and Communications Team. Seth is a Fargo native who is studying Film Production at Minnesota State University Moorhead. During this internship, Seth is excited to be a part of professional video shoots and get hands-on experience outside of the classroom. Film production is something Seth is passionate about because he enjoys working on every step of the process to get the end result. In the future, Seth would like to work for a stop motion animation studio in Oregon. In his free time, Seth enjoys spending time with friends and family, playing Dungeons and Dragons, and tapping into his musical side by playing the tuba and trombone, as well as being a part of the Wind Ensemble and Jazz Ensemble at MSUM.
McKenzie Maki
McKenzie is a Marketing and Communications Intern for NCI this year. McKenzie is a recent graduate from Minnesota State University Moorhead, majoring in Advertising and Public Relations with a Business Administration minor. She is excited to learn more about advertising for courses and conferences, editing websites, and writing for social media. McKenzie’s favorite part of marketing is the creativity and strategy behind it. She is interested in pursuing a career on a marketing team for a company and maybe starting her own small business. McKenzie likes to spend her free time with friends, being active outside, trying new restaurants, and traveling every chance she gets.
Kiley Kvamme
Kiley is going to be a sophomore at North Dakota State University majoring in Agricultural Education and Animal Science. Kiley is a Programs Intern who is excited to learn more about agriculture and reach new audiences. Kiley enjoys NCI because “the atmosphere between teams and co-workers is amazing. The friendly faces at the Monday staff meetings are a great start to my day.” Agriculture education is intriguing to Kiley because no two days are the same and you continue to learn as you go. In her future, Kiley wants to work at a high school teaching agriculture as well as stay involved with 4H and FFA. Kiley enjoys playing cards, hanging out with friends, and catching up on sleep in her free time.
Matt Stoll
Matt is in his second year of graduate school in History Education. Matt is from Perham, MN and has been a Programs Intern since the spring. “The people at NCI are my favorite,” Matt said was the best part of working at NCI. The Summer Ag Academy was the highlight of Matt’s internship thus far. He enjoyed watching students' excitement about agriculture. Matt has a passion for trying new things and education, he wants to potentially live abroad and work in an international school. In his free time Matt enjoys running, lifting weights, writing, listening to music, and traveling new places.
Erick Ricardo Aguilar Castillo
Erick is a graduate student from Guatemala majoring in Food Technology. Erick is excited to learn about food quality analysis, how to use laboratory equipment for quantification of chemical compounds or physical characteristics. Erick enjoys developing new food products and would like to continue his education in the future with either another master’s degree or a doctorate. In his free time Erick likes to cook, hike, bike, and read.
Jared Lovro
Jared is entering his senior year majoring in Agricultural Education at North Dakota State University. Jared is excited to “learn how to teach content to people from all steps of life. Especially getting to help with those programs that are both domestic and international.” As a Programs Intern, Jared appreciates how NCI “truly does care about the input that I have, and they really care for me as a developing educator. Agriculture education is exciting to Jared because he wants to spread awareness about the amazing opportunities that agriculture has in the world. After graduation, Jared plans to move back to his hometown of Granville, ND and teach at the high school while continuing to work on his family farm. Out of the office and classroom, he enjoys hunting, playing cards, playing sports, being outside, and hanging out with friends and family.