NCI Video Production | December Update
Another year of video work down! 2022 has been one for the books, breaking the standing record of videos produced in 2021. From courses to conferences to webinars, just about every type of event NCI works on requires some aspect of video. This past month’s highlights include the Prairie Grains Conference, sourdough baking shooting, and several demonstrations of soy-related processes.
Prairie Grains Conference:
Once again, the NCI crew made the trip up north for the annual Prairie Grains Conference hosted by MN Wheat. When in Grand Forks, the team was busy filming the presentations given at the conference and will edit the film into final videos.
Mark Jirik, NCI Director, presents a recap of the Next 5 Years Conference at the Prairie Grains Conference in Grand Forks, ND.
The first day included the annual On-Farm Research Network. Also, a guest speaker, a research discussion, and a farmer-led cover crop panel. Rumor has it that day two saw a record-setting crowd. Keynote speaker Paul Gerdes of CHS started off strong. Then NCI’s own Director Mark Jirik took the stage, presenting a recap of the Next 5 Years Conference. Daryl Ritchison concluded the keynotes with his weather report. Furthermore, the day also packed in the Wheat and Soybean research reporting sessions as well as several breakout sessions.
The NCI video team was happy to help out again and hopes to continue to utilize the video production skills with many more industry partners and commodity groups in the future.
Online Sourdough Course in the Works:
One of the most memorable shoots from this past month was the week-long video shoot of the process of baking bread with sourdough. It was fascinating to watch the sourdough progression and capture that on video. Though the editing is not complete yet, this video will condense the whole week-long process down to just minutes.
The sourdough shoot described above took place in NDSU’s bake lab in the building right next to NCI. Thank you to NDSU for providing the experts and letting us do the recordings. The final video will be used in an upcoming on-demand sourdough baking course put on by NCI.
Plans for 2023 are in the making to tour and shoot at three different sourdough bakeries around the United States to also use for the course. Stay tuned for the release date of the course and be sure to sign up.
To view other NCI courses, visit
WISHH Soy Forward Webinar:
As trailered in last month’s video blog post, NCI and WISHH (World Initiative for Soy in Human Health) are collaborating on a 4-part webinar series: Soy Forward. As promised, each of the four webinars feature videos created by NCI’s video crew.
The kickoff webinar of the series was titled “Soynuts as a Superior Snack.” Last month’s shooting turned into this month’s editing, and the video debuted live on the webinar. NCI’s Neil Doty moderated the webinar and was also featured in the video.
NCI’s Neil Doty and Mary Niehaus demonstrate how to make soy nuts for the premiere episode of the Soy Forward webinar series hosted by NCI and WISHH.
Up next in the Soy Forward series will be “Soymilk and Tofu Production” on December 20th. The video team worked on updating old soymilk and tofu processing videos to create a fresh video with text on screen describing the process. This is a great method for overseas viewers to be able to read along as well as listen.
The remaining two Soy Forward webinars will take place in the new year, so stay tuned. You will not want to miss on January 3, 2023, the Oil Extraction webinar which will have three videos made by the NCI comm team that demonstrate extraction methods on various machines.
It’s been an extremely busy and successful year for video production at NCI, and we look forward to all the video opportunities the new year will bring!
VIDEO PREVIEW: This soy nut deep-frying and dry-roasting process video debuted in the kickoff webinar “Soy Nuts as a Superior Snack” of the Soy Forward webinar series hosted by NCI and WISHH.